What We Do

Renewable Energy Offtake

We purchase renewable electricity at favourable rates.

Clean Energy Offtake

We value your energy

We offer electricity offtake to all energy producers who own or are planning to launch renewable energy production sources with a capacity of 100 kWp or more, including photovoltaic power plants, wind power plants, hydroelectric power plants and biogas plants.

Our offer combines a Power Purchase Agreement, technical maintenance (O&M) and the opportunity to earn additional revenues by providing complementary services in the energy markets (power balance services, capacity markets, market flexibility).

Benefits for you

Why partner with us?

Energy offtake at attractive day-ahead market prices

Additional revenues from the energy market

Operation and maintenance of your plant

Key Features

Offer your electricity to Photon Energy

Risk Assumption

As the clearing entity, we assume the risk of balancing energy costs.

Predictive Algorithms

Thanks to our accurate predictions, we offer some of the best prices on the market.

User Application

Our user application provides detailed information about the operation of your facility.

Operations and Maintenance

Our optional services ensure the long-term problem-free operation of your PV power plant.

Certificated Partner

We are a certified provider of ancillary services and capacity market solutions.

Real-Time Trading

Thanks to our team of experienced traders, we can take advantage of your facility's flexibility.


Operations and Maintenance

We provide comprehensive solutions for the operation, maintenance and monitoring of PV plants to ensure that your PV installation is kept in optimal condition and produces clean energy at maximum output over the long term.

Operations and Maintenance by Photon Energy
Secure extra revenues

Ancillary Services and Flexibility

Earn additional revenue by leveraging your facility's potential in the energy markets or by providing support and capacity market services to the transmission system operator.

Frequently asked questions

Energy Offtake FAQs

Find the answers to the most common questions about our Energy Offtake offer here.

Who do you buy electricity from?

We buy electricity from all producers with renewable energy sources with a capacity of 100 kWp or more. These are mostly larger photovoltaic plants or solar parks, wind farms, hydroelectric plants and biogas plants. Unfortunately, this means we do not buy surplus electricity from most owners of smaller, residential PV installations.

What specific energy offtake tariffs do you offer?

We offer to buy our clients’ electricity at a fixed rate or at a spot (hourly) rate derived from the prices on the OTE Intra-Day Market.

What is the usual period for your Energy Offtake contract?

We are happy to tailor the terms of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to your individual needs, but we most often sign them for a period of one year.

When will I receive my first payment for generated electricity?

You may issue an invoice no earlier than the fifth business day after the end of the relevant billing period.

Payment will be credited to you within 30 days of receiving this invoice.

I will be starting up a power plant soon. Can I enter into a Power Purchase Agreement with you?

Yes. If your generation source is properly prepared for connection to the grid and you have all the valid licences and permits, we can negotiate a PPA contract.

Do you also purchase Guarantees of Origin for electricity?

If you are interested, we will be happy to buy the Guarantees of Origin from you at rates close to the current stock exchange prices. You can always find out the terms and conditions in the contract proposal.

Will there be any additional costs?

No. There are no additional costs or fees associated with the contract with Photon Energy.

From the first meeting to billing

How the PPA process works

1. Free Consultation

We will get in touch and discuss your needs to see if we are able to become your partner.

2. Indicative Offer

Based on your feedback, we will prepare an indicative offer designed for your specific case and the energy production source. 

3. Acceptance of the Offer and Signing of the Contract

After further communication, we will prepare a Power Purchase Agreement, which is a contract for the supply of renewable energy at a fixed or spot (indexed) price.

4. Invoicing for Energy Produced

After the end of the first billing period in which you supply electricity to the grid, you simply issue us an invoice and we will reimburse you.


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